1. School of Education
  2. Education: Intervention Specialist - Mild to Moderate Needs

Education: Intervention Specialist - Mild to Moderate Needs| Major

Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts

Program Overview

The Intervention Specialist Mild to Moderate program prepares students to teach in special education settings for children in grades K-12. Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive a license to teach children with mild to moderate disabilities.

  • Licensure Requirement: Teacher candidates must complete 12 semester hours in the area of teaching reading/language arts.

  • Field Experience: The program includes hands-on teaching opportunities to gain practical classroom experience.

Admission Requirements

  • GPA Requirement: A minimum GPA of 2.7 in CORE courses.

  • Grade Requirement: Students must earn a grade of C or better in the following courses:

    • Theory of Mathematics for Education I & II

    • General Psychology

    • Public Speaking

    • English

Note: Detailed program information is provided in the Teacher Education Handbook, which is given to new students during the EDC 201 Foundations of Education course.

  • Transfer Students: They must meet with the dean or an advisor during their first semester on campus to plan for admission to the program.

  • Graduation Requirement: Students must maintain a 2.7 cumulative GPA to graduate.

Note: Although student teaching is not required for graduation, it is mandated for licensure. Due to state licensure requirements, students may exceed the 120-credit-hour minimum for graduation.

Program Requirements

Students pursuing the Intervention Specialist Mild to Moderate major must complete 69 semester credits, including the following courses:

Education Core (18 SH):

  • Foundations of Education (3 SH)

  • Educational Psychology (3 SH)

  • Introduction to Students with Exceptional Learning Needs (3 SH)

  • Educational Media and Technology (3 SH)

  • Theory of Mathematics for Education (3 SH)

  • Geometry and Statistics for Education (3 SH)

Teaching of Reading Core (12 SH):

  • Foundations of Literacy (3 SH)

  • Phonological Awareness and Phonics (3 SH)

  • Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Writing (3 SH)

  • Assessment, Instruction & Intervention in Reading (3 SH)

Intervention Specialist Core (18 SH):

  • Introduction to Mild to Moderate Disabilities (3 SH)

  • Assessment for Students with Mild to Moderate Needs (3 SH)

  • Inclusive Strategies (3 SH)

  • Behavior Supports and Intervention (3 SH)

  • Collaboration and Professional Partnerships (3 SH)

  • Curriculum and Instruction for Mild to Moderate Educational Needs (3 SH)

Intervention Specialist Group 1 (3 SH): (Choose one)

  • Child Development and Learning (3 SH)

  • The Pre-Adolescent/Adolescent Learner (3 SH)

Field Experience (2 SH):

  • Field Experience I (1 SH)

  • Field Experience II (1 SH)

  • Field Experience III (1 SH) (Only required for dual majors)

For Teaching Licensure Option (12 SH):

  • Student Teaching: Mild Moderate Intervention Specialist (12 SH)

Additional Information

  • GPA Requirement: All Education majors are required to maintain a minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA to graduate.

  • Transfer Students: Must meet with an advisor to plan for program admission during their first semester on campus.

  • Full Details: Complete program details are available in the Teacher Education Handbook.