Education: Intervention Specialist - Mild to Moderate Needs| Major
Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Arts
Program Overview
The Intervention Specialist Mild to Moderate program prepares students to teach in special education settings for children in grades K-12. Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive a license to teach children with mild to moderate disabilities.
Licensure Requirement: Teacher candidates must complete 12 semester hours in the area of teaching reading/language arts.
Field Experience: The program includes hands-on teaching opportunities to gain practical classroom experience.
Admission Requirements
GPA Requirement: A minimum GPA of 2.7 in CORE courses.
Grade Requirement: Students must earn a grade of C or better in the following courses:
Theory of Mathematics for Education I & II
General Psychology
Public Speaking
Note: Detailed program information is provided in the Teacher Education Handbook, which is given to new students during the EDC 201 Foundations of Education course.
Transfer Students: They must meet with the dean or an advisor during their first semester on campus to plan for admission to the program.
Graduation Requirement: Students must maintain a 2.7 cumulative GPA to graduate.
Note: Although student teaching is not required for graduation, it is mandated for licensure. Due to state licensure requirements, students may exceed the 120-credit-hour minimum for graduation.
Program Requirements
Students pursuing the Intervention Specialist Mild to Moderate major must complete 69 semester credits, including the following courses:
Education Core (18 SH):
Foundations of Education (3 SH)
Educational Psychology (3 SH)
Introduction to Students with Exceptional Learning Needs (3 SH)
Educational Media and Technology (3 SH)
Theory of Mathematics for Education (3 SH)
Geometry and Statistics for Education (3 SH)
Teaching of Reading Core (12 SH):
Foundations of Literacy (3 SH)
Phonological Awareness and Phonics (3 SH)
Vocabulary, Comprehension, and Writing (3 SH)
Assessment, Instruction & Intervention in Reading (3 SH)
Intervention Specialist Core (18 SH):
Introduction to Mild to Moderate Disabilities (3 SH)
Assessment for Students with Mild to Moderate Needs (3 SH)
Inclusive Strategies (3 SH)
Behavior Supports and Intervention (3 SH)
Collaboration and Professional Partnerships (3 SH)
Curriculum and Instruction for Mild to Moderate Educational Needs (3 SH)
Intervention Specialist Group 1 (3 SH): (Choose one)
Child Development and Learning (3 SH)
The Pre-Adolescent/Adolescent Learner (3 SH)
Field Experience (2 SH):
Field Experience I (1 SH)
Field Experience II (1 SH)
Field Experience III (1 SH) (Only required for dual majors)
For Teaching Licensure Option (12 SH):
Student Teaching: Mild Moderate Intervention Specialist (12 SH)
Additional Information
GPA Requirement: All Education majors are required to maintain a minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA to graduate.
Transfer Students: Must meet with an advisor to plan for program admission during their first semester on campus.
Full Details: Complete program details are available in the Teacher Education Handbook.